1 January 2003 | Psychic abilities
by Claus Larsen Novus Spiritus – The Church of Sylvia Browne Sylvia Browne is a modern-day preacher and founder of her own religion, replete with ordained ministers in robes, a “portable philosophy” and a 24-hour crisis line. Her gospel is a very...
1 January 2003 | Prophesies
by Claus Larsen Introduction A while ago, I frequented the #astrology channel on Undernet a couple of times. I began to ask a lot of questions about the nature of astrology, and was amazed to find a multitude of answers. Nobody seemed to agree on anything –...
1 January 2003 | Parapsychology, Pseudoscience
by Claus Larsen I spent one of the last evenings of September 2002 attending a lecture by Dean Radin, author of “The Conscious Universe”, on the Upper East Side, Manhattan. Radin told about the Global Consciousness Project, which is described as: “a...
1 December 2002 | Prophesies
by Claus Larsen One thing immediately strikes the student of Astrology: The predominant feature is confusion. No consensus seems to be achievable on just how Astrology works. Sure, it’s the planets that “influence” us humans here on Earth, but...
1 December 2002 | Prophesies
by Claus Larsen The ancients looked at the sky and saw images. Some constellations looked like animals, some looked like people in various situations and some looked like other things that were familiar to them. They told stories of these images in the sky, and a lot...
1 October 2002 | Prophesies
by Claus Larsen When astrologers claim horoscopes work, they often point to celebrities, lay out a chart for them and interpret their (already known) lives as proof that astrology works. But what if nobody knows who the charted person is, yet is still part of our...
1 October 2002 | Psychic abilities
by Claus Larsen Famed psychic Sylvia Browne claims to be doing 15-20 past-life regressions each day, and members of her staff also do past-life regressions. It would take a small army doing nothing but indexing these regressions and later verifying them. Who does this...
1 October 2002 | Psychic abilities
by Claus Larsen One of the most touted readings by proclaimed psychic John Edward is the “Feather at Niagara Falls”. It is pulled out whenever John Edward-believers want to prove that John Edward is a real genuine medium. Here is how John Edward himself...
1 October 2002 | Frauds & Hoaxes, Mysticism, Psychic abilities
by Claus Larsen On his web site, Uri Geller has a list of things he connects with the number 11. He believes this number to be all-important. E.g. he attaches meaning to the fact that some people have noticed their clocks sometimes show the numbers...
1 October 2002 | Uncategorised
by Claus Larsen The one thing Uri Geller is known for is his spoon-bending trick. Even though he has given it up, it still is his tour-de-force1 . No cutlery is safe, when Uri’s in town! The following images is from a short video clip, where Uri Geller...